Has Putin really released the lions?


Lion in Russia

Rumors are most prevalent during the epidemic. It spreads faster than the wind. One such misconception or rumor has been spread recently. Many are sharing this lion picture of a lion on the highway writing on Facebook, "Putin has released 800 lion to keep Russian citizens in the quarantine."

How true is the picture spread across the world? Has anything really been done in Russia?

 The picture and the information it contains are actually fake. The Russian government has never released a lion to keep people in quarantine as part of Corona's control.

In fact, the picture through which the rumor is being spread is not taken in Russia. This is a photo taken in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2016. British media quoted the Daily Mail as saying on April 15 in 2016 that "there is nothing to fear about the lion that roamed Johannesburg at midnight." A local production house had hired a lion name Columbus to shoot advertising.

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