President of Bangladesh Peace Council Mozaffar Hossain Paltu and general secretary Shahjahan Khan on Sunday condemned the statement.
The statement said, press conference in the White House on April 14, the US president completely unwittingly announced the termination of US funding to the World Health Organization (WHO). People all over the world have been deeply disappointed at the announcement of the United States World Health Organization (WHO) funding unilaterally, without UN guidance or international investigations.
When people all over the world are losing their lives in coronavirus infections. When the World Health Organization needs more funding for the invention and research of medicines and antidotes to combat coronavirus infection.
Then, if the United States stops funding its 15 percent of the World Health Organization's total budget, it cannot be called responsible behavior.
Bangladesh Peace Council strongly condemns the US activity against humanity.
In a statement, the leaders of the peace council also said that in this time of disaster, when the Corona world epidemic requires more solidarity and cooperation among all the countries of the world.
'The announcement by the US president proves that he does not care about world public opinion and that he has no value in the lives of millions of Corona victims worldwide, including the United States.'
Leaders of Bangladesh peace council called on the United States and the people around the world to together address the Corona epidemic by countering such inhumane measures.