Coronavirus: 1480 dead in 24 hours in US, returning 9/11 memories.


Coronavirus: 1480 dead in 24 hours in US, returning 9/11 memories.
New York meyor De Blasio

Hopkins University says 1480 people died between Thursday 8pm to Friday  8pm .The total death toll is more than twice that of the World Trade Center attacks.

Within 24 hours, 1480 people died of the Corona virus in the United States.There were many deaths due to Covid-19 all over the world, but this death rate was nowhere within just 24 hours. Concerned residents said that the disaster has Overtaken to the horror of 9/11.

Corona virus is spreading all over the United States. So far at least 7,402 people have died and 277,475 people have been affected. Worst case is New York City. About a quarter of the total cases is in this city. Only in New York City alone, 562 people died in the last 24 hours.

New York mayor De Blasio told CNN's John Berman on Friday morning."I don't know after Sunday if we're going to have what we need, and that's just the ventilators,"

"We predict by Monday or Tuesday 5,000 people in our ICUs, intubated, fighting for their lives... and that number will then grow... Every one of those people will need a ventilator," he said. "We can only get to Monday or Tuesday at this point. We don't know after that. How on earth is this happening in the greatest nation in the world?"

9/11 memories

A total of 3,000 people died in the United States in the devastating Islamist terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center on September 11.After 11 years, people in the United States again become are attacking by the Corona virus. Hopkins University says 1480 people died between Thursday 8pm to Friday  8pm .The total death toll is more than twice that of the World Trade Center attacks.

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