Michael Jackson knew about the coronavirus!-Matt Fiddes


The death toll from the deadly coronavirus has risen to 21,200. And more than four and a half million people have been affected. The virus has spread to 197 countries and regions of the world in addition to China. Italy and Spain have collapsed.

Coronavirus Michael Jackson

 Did  Michael Jackson prophesy about Coronavirus in advance?

 Corona is coming in the form of an epidemic. The pop emperor Michael Jackson prophesy in advance! That's what the pop star's bodyguard Matt Fiddes said.

“He would go through four countries in one day sometimes and he was on aeroplanes with people all the time,” said Fiddes, who was embarrassed at times being pictured with the star while he wore the mask.

Fiddes says Micheal would tell him, “Matt I can’t get ill, I can’t let my fans down. I’ve got concerts coming up. I’m on this earth for a reason. I mustn’t damage my voice, I’ve got to stay healthy.”

Super pop star Michael Jackson was died in 2009.

If he were alive today, he would say what everyone is saying. Because he wanted to warn everyone in many years ago. According to the bodyguard, nobody heard him that day. No one would notice him. Everyone used to mock him and say 'Waco Jacko.  if everyone had listened to his words that day, the world would not see this day.

The World Health Organization has warned that the only lockdown will not prevent the Corona pandemic. In addition to the lockdown, the organization said it would be aggressive against this virus. The head of the organization said that  emphasize the treatment of the victims and the identification of the coronavirus.

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